The Hard Truth

One of my roles with Saving Susan is to manage all communications coming out of the ministry.  In my first days here I decided that I only wanted positive things to flow out to our community.  It is easy to see the darkness in the world and dwell on that, but we are in the business of watching God work life-changing transformative miracles, and to me, that's cause for celebration.

There is no denying that we are fighting a very real evil and this article featured in this week, is shining light on what we at Saving Susan are working to prevent.  By connecting orphans with a Parent Partner, they are assured the financial support they need to escape poverty and abuse.  They are also given the opportunity for a better future through education. They can find self expression, healing and wholeness through music. They find joy and discipline through sports.  Above all else, they find love and acceptance through family and are shown the endless grace and mercy through a relationship with their Savior and Creator.

It's a tough read, especially when you imagine the faces of our kids, but I encourage you to read and share so that we can join together as a their Christian family on the other side of the world and make a difference in the fight against slavery and abuse.


Read the Article Here


Written By:
Sarah Green
SSM Ministry Coordinator