Sunday Family Lunch

Sunday October 1st Saving Susan Ministry hosted their first Parent Partner Appreciation event.  It was an incredibly sweet and intimate time with Parent Partners, Board Members, and supporters.  The goal was to invite a few members from various circles of the SSM community to start to deepen the bonds between all of us.  We know that growing in relationship here will help build better support for our family around the world.

The organizers didn't have much planned outside of a luncheon with good food, great company, and a small recap of where SSM was at and hoping to go in the near future.  What we actually got was a cozy Sunday lunch with people sharing sweet stories about their connections to SSM. 

Personally, as I looked around the table I saw people who may not normally interact with one another sharing laughs and stories about their kids, their in country experiences, or sharing something personal to them that the other may not have experienced.  It felt just like a typical family Sunday lunch. 

And that is what Saving Susan is all about.  In an effort to reverse the effects of orphan abandonment we are building families.  Yes our small family units with one family and one child, but also the strong relationships we work to build with the orphanages and directors, and the community we are working to encourage here as we work through the highs and lows that come with Parent Partnering these sweet orphans.


We are looking forward to more events like this one every few months.  We love the people we do ministry with and enjoy making time to celebrate all you do.

